Not Now, Bernard is a story about a boy called Bernard, who seeks attention of his parents, but in return receives, Not Now, Bernard! Bernard feeling fed up ends up going into his garden where he encounters a monster, who ends up eating him/5. «Go to bed, I’ve taken up your milk», called Bernard’s mother. The monster went upstairs. «But I’m a monster», said the monster. «Not now, Bernard», said Bernard’s mother. David Mckee Not now, Bernard Madrid: Anaya English, · David McKee McKee, who also wrote and illustrated the childhood classics Elmer the Patchwork Elephant and Mr Benn, reveals he came up with Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins.
'Not Now, Bernard" By David McKee A great little book from my primary school years. I couldn't help myself when I saw this on the shelf at my local library, I took it out straight away. I can remember my year 2 teacher reading this book to us and I clearly remember relating to Bernard's experience in the story. «Go to bed, I've taken up your milk», called Bernard's mother. The monster went upstairs. «But I'm a monster», said the monster. «Not now, Bernard», said Bernard's mother. David Mckee Not now, Bernard Madrid: Anaya English, Not Now, Bernard by David McKee, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.
«Go to bed, I’ve taken up your milk», called Bernard’s mother. The monster went upstairs. «But I’m a monster», said the monster. «Not now, Bernard», said Bernard’s mother. David Mckee Not now, Bernard Madrid: Anaya English, Not Now Bernard by David www.doorway.rut the channel by subscribing to the channel. Let us know what other book you’d like us to read! Check out the other gre. Let's start with a book I think is one of the most important picture books of the last fifty years: Not Now, Bernard, by David McKee. Despite warning his parents that he is about to be eaten by a monster, Bernard does indeed become a monster-snack.