The antlered ship is delightfully detailed and decorated, the pirates our heroes encounter are appropriately toothy and threatening (even the cutlass-wielding mouse), and the sepia-colored maps on the endpapers feature deliciously evocative names. The old-fashioned appearance of the Fans' artwork perfectly suits Slater's contemplative, musing www.doorway.rued on: Septem. · The antlered ship is delightfully detailed and decorated, the pirates our heroes encounter are appropriately toothy and threatening (even the cutlass-wielding mouse), and the sepia-colored maps on the endpapers feature deliciously evocative names. The old-fashioned appearance of the Fans' artwork perfectly suits Slater's contemplative, musing Beach Lane Books. The antlered ship is delightfully detailed and decorated, the pirates our heroes encounter are appropriately toothy and threatening (even the cutlass-wielding mouse), and the sepia-colored maps on the endpapers feature deliciously evocative names. The old-fashioned appearance of the Fans' artwork perfectly suits Slater's contemplative, musing tone/5().
The Antlered Ship, by Dashka Slater and illustrated by the Fan Brothers, was reviewed by Denise Mealy. Discover more books like The Antlered Ship by following along with our reviews and articles tagged with Adventure, Animals, Boats, Dashka Slater, Friendship, Ships, and Picture Book. Best-selling author Dashka Slater has been telling stories since she could talk. An award-winning journalist who writes for such publications as The New York Times Magazine and Mother Jones, she is also the author of eleven books of fiction and non-fiction for children and adults. Dangerously Ever After, and The Antlered Ship. The Antlered Ship: A Voyage Into Whole Class Reading. In June and July of , my final six whole class reading sessions with my Year 2 class focused on a profoundly moving, exciting picture book called 'The Antlered Ship', written by Dashka Slater and illustrated by The Fan Brothers. It's published by Beach Lane Books.
The Antlered Ship. Dashka Slater. Simon and Schuster, - Juvenile Fiction - 48 pages. 2 Reviews. Parents’ Choice Recommended. The antlered ship is delightfully detailed and decorated, the pirates our heroes encounter are appropriately toothy and threatening (even the cutlass-wielding mouse), and the sepia-colored maps on the endpapers feature deliciously evocative names. The old-fashioned appearance of the Fans' artwork perfectly suits Slater's contemplative, musing tone. When a great, antlered wooden ship, captained by a deer named Sylvia, docks in the harbor, Marco goes down to see it. Intrigued by the possibility of finding other foxes who share his curiosity, Marco decides to set sail, as do an adventurous flock of pigeons led by Victor, pictured as a one-legged bird in a bandanna.