Waldherr's oil paintings, ``applied over a golden acrylic underpainting,'' have a pleasant glow connoting the once-upon-a-time setting; they are skillfully composed, with grand, smoke-wreathed, many-headed dragons and gracefully painted details, such as flowing costumes and the Firebird's plumage. Robert D. San Souci, Author, Daniel San Souci, Author Yearling Books $ (32p) ISBN Cool-hued, realistic illustrations suffuse this tale of night-time forest activity. Ages I have read many different versions of the Russian folktale “The Firebird” and each of them always had the main character named Ivan possess a horse of power who helps Ivan find the Firebird. However, while Robert D. San Souci’s version of “The Firebird” does have a main character named Ivan, there is no horse of power in this version and we are actually introduced to the famed Russian folklore /5.
Overall, "The Firebird" is a truly fantastic tale to read if you are a huge fan of Russian folktales and you will surely not be disappointed with this book! I would recommend this book to children ages five and up since the storytelling is a bit advanced for younger children. Posted by Ronyell (a.k.a. Rabbitearsblog) at PM. Robert D. San Souci. $ - $ Song Of Sedna. Robert D. San Souci. $ - $ The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Picture Yearling Book) Robert D. San Souci. $ - $ The Legend of Scarface: A Blackfeet Indian Tale. Waldherr's oil paintings, ``applied over a golden acrylic underpainting,'' have a pleasant glow connoting the once-upon-a-time setting; they are skillfully composed, with grand, smoke-wreathed, many-headed dragons and gracefully painted details, such as flowing costumes and the Firebird's plumage.
The Firebird: Library Edition Library Binding – March 2, by Robert D. San Souci (Author), Kris Waldherr (Illustrator) out of 5 stars 1 rating. Books by Robert D. San Souci. THE FIREBIRD by Robert D. San Souci illustrated by Kris Waldherr Quickview November 1, Add to bookshelf. A real-life tale from a treasured children's authorWhen Danny and his brothers Bobby (yes, that's Robert San Souci) and Mike return from summer vacation with a king snake and what must be a dinosaur bone, they can't wait to share their treasures with.