· Download or read book entitled Indian School Days written by Basil H. Johnston and published by University of Oklahoma Press online. This book was released on 01 March with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle/5(2). Indian School Days is the humorous bittersweet authobiography of Basil Johnston, a native Ojibway, who was taken from his family at age 10 and placed in a "residential" school in northern Ontario The book opens in when the feared Indian agent visits Johnston`s family and removes him and his four-year-old sister to St. Peter Claver`s School, a boarding school run by Jesuit priests at Spanish, 75 miles /5(14). Indian School Days by Basil H. Johnston Seller Ergodebooks Published Condition Good ISBN Item Price $.
Indian school days Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Indian school days by Johnston, Basil Publication date Topics Johnston, Basil , Autobiographie Biographie Chippewa Education Memoires Ojibwa Ojibway Saulteux Sauteux. Indian School Days is the humorous bittersweet authobiography of Basil Johnston, a native Ojibway, who was taken from his family at age 10 and placed in a "residential" school in northern Ontario The book opens in when the feared Indian agent visits Johnston`s family and removes him and his four-year-old sister to St. Peter Claver`s School, a boarding school run by Jesuit priests at. Download or read book entitled Indian School Days written by Basil H. Johnston and published by University of Oklahoma Press online. This book was released on 01 March with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle.
It was when the feared Indian agent visited Basil Johnston’s family and removed him and his four-year-old sister to St. Peter Claver’s school, run by the priests in a community known as Spanish, 75 miles from Sudbury. “Spanish!. This is a bittersweet account of "Indian" residential school life according to Basil Johnston, who from to attended the only such school run by the Jesuits in Canada. Located in Spanish, Ontario, the school was called "St Peter Claver" prior to , but its name was changed to "St Charles Garnier" when it became the first Indian. Indian School Days by Basil H. Johnston Seller Ergodebooks Published Condition Good ISBN Item Price $.