Ebook {Epub PDF} Learning to Be White: Money Race and God in America by Thandeka

THANDEKA: Learning to be White: Money, Race and God in America. NY: Continuum, Pp. $ hb. ISBN Reviewed by Francine DEMPSEY, CSJ, College of St. Rose, ALBANY, NY Thandeka, a theologian and Unitarian Universalist minister, ends her text with a prayer for further dialogue in which "Loyalties no longer need be skin-deep. Learning to Be White: Money, Race and God in America by Thandeka Thandeka explores the politics of the white experience in America. Tracing the links between religion, class, and race, she reveals the child abuse, ethnic conflicts, class exploitation, poor self-esteem, and a general feeling of self-contempt that are the wages of whiteness. Thandeka takes a psychological approach to understanding white racism and contends that "whiteness" is a elite standard of life and worldview that most middle and working class whites never attain but aspire to. In order to do that they must forsake their working class and ethnic cultural roots to appropriate whiteness and become "white."/5.

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Learning to Be White: Money, Race and God in America. Continuum (November 1, ) Thandeka explores the politics of the white experience in America. Tracing the links between religion, class, and race, she reveals the child abuse, ethnic conflicts, class exploitation, poor self-esteem, and a general feeling of self-contempt that are the wages of whiteness. www.doorway.ru page . TIIANDKKA. Idearning to Hr White: Money, Race, and God in America. New York: Con- tinuum, x+ pp. $ (cloth). Nine decades ago, in a mornent of uncanny prescience, W. E. B. DuBois declared that the "color line" would prove to be the central problematique of the twentieth century. Thandeka, Learning to be White: Money, Race, and God in America (New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, ), pp. Studies in whiteness are a relatively new theoretical discourse which began in the s. Whiteness studies are trying to recognize various possibilities for.


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